Welcome to the documentation of the Earth Observation Data Analysis Library (EOdal)

Sentinel-2 false color image of Lake Lucerne, Switzerland.

A truely open-source package for unified analysis of Earth Observation (EO) data.

  • cloud-native by design thanks to STAC

  • access to petabytes of satellite imagery including Landsat, Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and PlanetScope

  • EO data querying, I/O, processing, analysis and visualization in a single package

  • Modulare and lightweight architecture

  • Almost unlimited expandability with interfaces to xarray, numpy, geopandas, and many more

Getting started

EOdal can be installed from PyPi or from source.

To get started you might have a look at some Jupyter notebooks we prepared. Check them out here


import geopandas as gpd

 from datetime import datetime
 from eodal.core.sensors.sentinel2 import Sentinel2
 from eodal.mapper.feature import Feature
 from eodal.mapper.filter import Filter
 from eodal.mapper.mapper import Mapper, MapperConfigs
 from typing import List

 #%% user-inputs
 # -------------------------- Collection -------------------------------
 collection: str = 'sentinel2-msi'

 # ------------------------- Time Range ---------------------------------
 time_start: datetime = datetime(2022,3,1)           # year, month, day (incl.)
 time_end: datetime = datetime(2022,6,30)            # year, month, day (incl.)

 # ---------------------- Spatial Feature  ------------------------------
 geom: Path = Path('data/sample_polygons/lake_lucerne.gpkg')

 # ------------------------- Metadata Filters ---------------------------
 metadata_filters: List[Filter] = [
     Filter('cloudy_pixel_percentage','<', 80),
     Filter('processing_level', '==', 'Level-2A')

 # query the scenes available (no I/O of scenes, this only fetches metadata)
 feature = Feature.from_geoseries(gpd.read_file(geom).geometry)
 mapper_configs = MapperConfigs(

 # now, a new Mapper instance is created
 mapper = Mapper(mapper_configs)
 # query the metadata (i.e., available scenes) first

 # load the scenes available from STAC (reading bands B02 "blue", B03 "green", B04 "red")
 scene_kwargs = {
     'scene_constructor': Sentinel2.from_safe,
     'scene_constructor_kwargs': {'band_selection': ['B02', 'B03', 'B04'], 'read_scl': False}

 # the data loaded into `mapper.data` as a EOdal SceneCollection

A truely open-source package for unified analysis of Earth Observation (EO) data.